A desktop or portable system can be left on for weeks, even months, and server uptime can stretch to a year or more. 桌面或便携系统可能连续运行几周甚至几个月,而服务器可能连续运行一年甚至更长时间。
The goal is a portable system that could be worn on a belt and would be no larger than a cellphone. 这一设备的理想设计是可以带在腰带上到处走动并只有手机大小。
Analog to Digital Converter is the interface of analog and digital circuit; it's an necessary part in the portable system. 模数转换器是模拟电路和数字电路的接口,是手持终端中不可缺少的组成部分。
Selecting the Best Power Management Interface for Portable System Designs 为便携式设计选择最佳的电源管理接口
Low power consumption design is the identical demand for every portable system. 低功耗设计是便携式设备的普遍要求。
Design of Portable System Efficiency Testing Instrument for Oil Drilling Well 便携式抽油机井系统效率测试仪设计
A Portable System Development of Data on Quality Acquisition and Analysis 便携式质量数据采集分析系统的研制
Development and current condition of memory of portable system 便携式系统存储设备的发展和现状
Miniature heat pump or air conditioning system is a portable system with the advantages of small size and light weight. 微型热泵/空调系统是一种体积小,重量轻,便于携带的供冷/供暖系统。
The portable system developed has engineering applicable values. 开发的便携式系统,在内燃机曲轴扭振测量分析、工作状态监测和故障缸诊断等方面具有工程应用价值。
Portable System of Monitoring the Muscle Blood and Oxygen Content 便携式肌血氧检测系统高甘油三酯血症与血凝纤溶系统的关系
Based on the idea of virtual instrument, the integrated scheme of portable system is adopted to develop the vehicle braking performance test system. 基于“虚拟仪器”的思想,采用“便携式”系统集成方案,进行了汽车制动性能测试系统的开发。
Study on Portable System for Monitoring and Diagnosing Mechanical Running Condition of Rotary Kiln 回转窑机械运行状态监测诊断便携式系统的研究
With further development of integrated and portable system and suitable control panel, this alpha wave based BCI system could provide those locked-in but with intact mind with a new assistive product, such as control of a wheelchair. 如实现系统集成化和便携化,配置适当的控制显示面板,可望进一步开发出专供那些患有全身性重症瘫痪但头脑功能正常的残疾人使用的新型助残轮椅等产品。
The design and realization of a portable system for measuring bladder volume are introduced in this paper. The system is based on three dimensional ultrasound scanning. 本研究阐述了便携式三维超声扫描膀胱容积测量系统的设计原理和工程实现。
This paper introduces a solution that implements the PDA-oriented portable system in fingerprint recognition and ID authentication, it describes all parts of hardware and software design key technology about data communication between PDA and PC and data communication between PDA and fingerprint module. 介绍了基于PDA的手持指纹身份鉴别系统的实现方案及系统各部分的组成,包括硬件设计与软件设计,重点研究了PDA与PC机、PDA与指纹模块之间通信的一些关键技术。
The portable system's development and application is discussed and the problem of how to realize low-power-consumption is analyzed, and the methods about how to realize low-power-consumption is taken out in this paper. 对如何实现低功耗进行了一定的分析,针对本系统如何降低功耗提出了一些建议,并具体加以实施。
In order to reach the aim of reconstructing ultrasonic impedance in real-time, on-line and accurately, and according to the latest achievement in information, computer and micro-electronic technologies, an embedded and portable system adopting DSP and ARM chips as central measuring and controlling unit is presented. 为达到实时、在线和精确地重建声阻抗的目的,根据信息技术、计算机技术和微电子技术的最新研究成果,采用DSP和ARM芯片作为中心测控单元,实现了一种嵌入式便携声阻抗重建系统。
The portable system of fault diagnosis based on DSP for machinery equipment 基于DSP的便携式机械故障智能诊断系统
Considerations on Coexisting of Battery Charge and System Power Supply in Portable System 便携系统中电池充电与系统供电并存的考虑
The research and implementation of data flow in the portable system of failure monitor 便携式微机故障监测系统中数据流程的研究及实现
Study on a Portable System for Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Equipment on the Spot 便携式机械设备现场动态分析系统研究
Combining the traditional acoustic positioning system with the vector hydrophone, we have designed a new portable system named as the long base line passive acoustic positioning system. 将传统的水声定位系统与矢量水听器相结合,设计了一种全新的轻便型长基线被动水声定位系统。
The Study on Portable System for Toxic Gas Measuring on Military Affairs 军用便携式毒气测量系统的研究
Portable system for condition monitoring and signal analysis 便携式测试信号分析系统
A portable system for monitoring and diagnosing mechanical running condition of rotary kiln has been studied and developed. Describes in detail the hardware and software techniques of the system. 研究并开发了回转窑机械运行状态监测诊断便携式系统,对系统的硬件及软件技术进行了详细的描述。
In the second place, the functional requirements are analyzed and basic structure of the portable system of coal quality measurement is designed according with the requirement of coal quality measurement. 其次,根据煤质测量的要求,分析了功能需求,设计了便携式煤质分析系统总体架构。
The portable system can be via Ethernet port and Ethernet network connected to ships, ships from the various navigation equipment to receive navigation information analysis and processing in the system and optimize the navigation data to the operator. 这套便携式系统可以通过以太网口和舰艇的以太网络相连,从中接收舰艇中各种导航设备的导航信息,在系统中进行分析处理并将最优化的导航数据提供给操作人员。
Generally speaking, the video codec in portable system can be realized by two ways: Pure software way of DSP ( digital signal processor) and pure hardware way of ASIC or FPGA ( programmable logic gate array). 一般来说视频编解码器在便携式系统上的实现有以下两种方式:纯软件的DSP(数字信号处理)方式、纯硬件的ASIC(专用集成芯片)或者FPGA(可编程逻辑门阵列)。
In this paper, a Portable system acquiring blood pressure and temperature parameters was designed which used oscillography measuring blood pressure, heart rate and used the constant-current method measuring temperature use heart conductance league method measuring electrocardio. 本文设计了一款便携式生理信号采集系统。其利用示波法测量血压和心率,利用恒流法测体温,利用心电导联法测心电。